
Thursday, May 30, 2013


Climate change is not a distant threat looming on the horizon. It is already here and has impacted all walks of life on earth. In Nepal, the impacts are more serious as it has hit the major livelihoods base of common people. Recent events have emphatically demonstrated our growing vulnerability to climate change. Although the consequences of climate change will be borne by all, particularly future generations can expect to bear a heavy burden because they will live longer and will face this challenge throughout their lifetimes. The situation of youth in developing countries like Nepal is especially fragile. In Nepal youth (16-40 years) make up 38.8 percent of the total population and many of them are already facing a difficult transition to adulthood owing to social and economic instability and widespread poverty.
Addressing and adjusting to the challenge of climate change is certain to be a defining feature of the future of today’s youth. Till the date an overwhelming majority of youth point out political leaders to do all they can to stop climate change, but youths themselves have not taken their own responsibilities in this context. It is therefore critical that young people educate themselves and become more conscious and responsible by getting actively involved in combating this threat. Youth can make a difference provided they realize their importance to their society, nation and the earth as a whole. Youth have long been involved in environmental protection activities at the school and community levels, but the time has also come for them to participate more actively in shaping global decisions relating to climate change. Young people must contribute to the process of addressing this critical challenge, as they will feel its impact most acutely throughout their lives.

Youth and youth organizations have an important role to play. Throughout the world, youth have developed creative ways to raise awareness, share information, build capacities, and work together on climate change mitigation and adaptation practices often achieving impressive results through their own initiatives. It is high time for youths to continue this legacy by further nurturing their novel ideas and acting prudently to save the planet Earth. We must also be the real players to substantiate the idea of ‘green economy’ in sustainable development.

The main constraints youths of today face in taking action include hesitations about how and where to begin, limited confidence in their ability to make a difference, poor financial resources and a lack of political and community support. Even though these seem genuine concerns they should not be perceived as insurmountable obstacles. The fact is that youths can realize their aspirations for the superior earth even by introducing small changes in their daily lives, strengthening their commitment to action one step at a time. Although everyday measures to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment may seem of no consequence, they can actually add up and make a real difference; especially when entire youth communities take a part. 


Young people represent at least 18 per cent of the world’s population. In Nepal, youth (15-40 years) constitute about 40 per cent of the population. These cohorts represent a critical constituency for shaping of nation's future and are the pioneers of socio-cultural, political and economic reform. They are the crucial segments of nation’s development. While the lifestyles and attitudes of young people today are out looked with negative stereotypes, many youths in the country are actually the productive members of the society. The majority of youths in this country also engage in some form of volunteer activity, and many see the value of serving others. Youth volunteerism is becoming one of the keys to address development challenges.

Through greater involvement, youth volunteering facilitates access to work and contributes to forming young leaders for today and tomorrow. Volunteerism serves a valuable role in reaching special populations, such as orphans, children, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable communities and groups.

When youth get involved in volunteerism, benefits are reaped by almost everyone concerned- the target groups (children, poor, disabled, etc.), the community and most especially the involving youth themselves. Volunteerism has important implications for positive youth development. It encourages a sense of service and responsibility towards others, provides an avenue for developing skills and relationships, and facilitates the development of various social and leadership skills such as teamwork, communication, problem solving, project planning, time and task management, and organization.

Youth volunteerism has several benefits. Through volunteerism, youths can make services available to more people in the community, often helping the neediest population and/or areas that require special attention (schools, orphanage, old-age homes, etc.). In doing so, youths gain opportunities to learn new set of skills and provides valuable work experience. As youths intermingle with various organizations and people during volunteerism, it strengthens bonds to the community and broadens their support network, exposing them to people with common interests. Volunteerism provides many of the developmental assets of youth. The experience of volunteerism can help develop many social competencies. It helps in the realizations of one’s own leadership potentials, confidence, self-esteem and above all his/her own ability to make a difference.

UN Secretary, Ban Ki Moon stated, “Youth are a transformative force; they are creative, resourceful and enthusiastic agents of change, be it in public squares or cyberspace.  From their pivotal role in efforts to achieve freedom, democracy and equality, youth have energetically demonstrated yet again their capacity and desire to turn the tide of history and tackle global challenges.”

Photo Courtesy: Rotaract Club of Kathmandu Mid-Town

Friday, May 24, 2013



Let’s share this world through the life and death
Beyond the differences; the culture and faith
Whatever the prejudices we experienced till date,
Let’s foresee fairness in the future we wait

Let’s step up together, let the world to pace
Beyond the differences; ethnicity and race
Whatever the skin, the color of your face,
relations be intact, lightened up with grace

Let’s wish for better world, harmony and peace
Beyond the borders, mountains and seas
Whatever the intolerance crosses our way,
Lets prevent this world split to piece

Lets forget those warfare, those reasons we fought
Beyond the differences; opinions and thought
Whatever the rivalry, the history paved on way
Not forget the path what Buddha has taught

Lets share our knowledge, lets learn and teach
Beyond the differences, that prevails in each
Whatever the misconceptions and prejudices we have
Lets give up them all for the greater world to reach

Lets accept the fact why we all are here
Beyond the differences, we have something to share
Whatever the nation, the culture and faith
We have promised to change, by willing to dare

I propose for friendship, lets extend our hand
Beyond the language, the territories of land
Whatever the challenges we encounter this time
Lets have one voice for the cause we stand

Sunday, March 17, 2013

सक्दिन म !!

आकाशको तारा टिपी ल्याउन सक्दिन
तिम्रो लागि सुनको छानो छाउन सक्दिन म।
आश्वासन मात्र दिई कसरी म ढाँटु?
सारा संसार बिर्सिएर आउन सक्दिन म॥

अन्धकार र उज्यालो त प्रकृतिको रीत हो
औँशीलाई पूर्णीमा मा ढाल्न सक्दिन म।
सामर्थ्य नै छैन मेरो झुटो कुरो बोली
तिम्रो सामु आफैलाई खसाल्न सक्दिन म॥

माया गर्छु भन्छौ फेरी शर्त किन ल्यायौ?
तिम्रो लागि आफैलाई फेर्न सक्दिन म।
यथार्थलाई लत्याएर के पो पाउँछौ तिमी?
तिमी यती बदलिएको हेर्न सक्दिन म॥

प्राप्ति हो समर्पण हो त्याग पो हो माया
तिम्रै शर्तको भरमा माया साट्न सक्दिन म।
तिमी प्रति मेरो सम्मान अझ बाँकी नै छ
मित्रताको कसी अहिल्यै काट्न सक्दिन म॥

सम्झौतामा माया प्रिती कसरी म गासूँ?
आफ्नो स्वाभिमानलाई अहिल्यै भुल्न सक्दिन म।
अन्यौलताको भुमरीमा किन बाँध्छौ मलाई?
झुटो बाचा गरी तिमीलाई छल्न सक्दिन म॥

तिमी आफैँ स्वतन्त्र छौ मैले के पो भनूँ?
निशर्त तिमी माया लगाउ अब भन्दिन म।
साँचो माया भए आउ ढोका बन्द छैन
तर अडान बाँकि भए सुन्न सक्दिन म॥

सम्झनाको चिनो बोकी बाँच्छु तिम्रै यादमा
तिम्रो तस्विर च्यातेर फ्याँक्न सक्दिन म।
जीवन पछि मृत्यु आउँछ प्रकृतिको रीत हो
तर तिमीलाई दोषी बनाई प्राण त्याग्दिन म॥

आज!! (Today)

कताकता तिमीलाई नै भेटौँ भयो आज
दु:खसुख तिमीसँगै साटौँ भयो आज
चकमन्न रातको यो एक्लोपनले हो की?
तिम्रै यादमा कसरी रात काटौँ भयो आज॥

बिथोलिन्छ निन्द्रा किन? यादले पो हो की?
छट्पटाउँदै कोल्टो कत्ती फेरौँ भयो आज।
तस्विर मात्रै हेरी बस्ने धैर्य छैन अब,
आफ्नै सामु राखी तिमीलाइ हेरौँ भयो आज

रुमलिन्छ मन किन कताकता मेरो
एक्लै जिउने प्रण पनि त्यागौँ भयो आज
आस्थाको धरोहर त्यो मन्दिरमा ढोगी
देवी-देवता भाकी तिमीलाई मागौँ भयो आज॥

धेरै भयो नदेखेको कस्ती भयौ कुन्नि?
भेटघाट गर्न यतैतिर डाकौ भयो आज
अत्तालिन्छ मन कतै गलत सोच्ने हो की?
प्रेम प्रस्ताव तिमीसँगै राखौँ भयो आज॥

दुई हजार तेह्र सालमा

बाँझो खेतबारीमा धानमकै फल्छ भोलि
सस्तो ईन्धनले नै मोटर गाडी चल्छ भोलि
अनि नयाँ के होला दुई हजार तेह्र सालमा
बिना लोडसेडिङ रातभर बत्ति बल्छ भोलि

बगाउनै पसिना जनताले हर सालमा
जति शरिर गल्छ आज उत्तिनै गल्छ भोलि
के खै आशा राख्ने दुई हजार तेह्र सालमा?
यो भ्रटाचारी देशको समस्या नै टल्छ भोलि 

अवस्था यस्तै रहे देशमा अशान्तिको
हत्या हिँसा काटमारले मुलुक अझै जल्छ भोलि
परिवर्तन के होला दुई हजार तेह्र सालमा?
राष्ट्रिय मुद्दा बेरोजगारको कुनै हल भोलि

छुँदैछ चन्द्रमा नै मुल्यबृद्धि महँगीले,
यस्तै रहे गरिवीले जीउ ज्यान ढल्छ भोलि
के खुशीमा मनाउनु खै दुई हजार तेह्र साल यो
कुनै नव अवसर खुशीको पल भोलि..